Every Single Frame
Explore movies frame by frame in random order from critically acclaimed films to gain a new perspective on the art of cinematography.
Explore movies frame by frame in random order from critically acclaimed films to
gain a new perspective on the art of cinematography.
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Stanley Kubrick
2001 A Space Odyssey
Stanley Kubrick
The Shining
Stanley Kubrick
Barry Lyndon
Stanley Kubrick
A Clockwork Orange
Stanley Kubrick
Eyes Wide Shut
Wes Anderson
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Wes Anderson
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Hayao Miyazaki
Spirited Away - Studio Ghibli
Hayao Miyazaki
Howl's Moving Castle - Studio Ghibli
Katsuhiro Otomo
Denis Villeneuve
Blade Runner 2049
Terrence Malick
The Tree of Life
Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, Rodney Rothman
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
David Fincher
The Social Network
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Damien Chazelle
La La Land
Peter Jackson
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
George Miller
Mad Max: Fury Road
Alfonso Cuarón
Alfonso Cuarón
Children Of Men
Paul Thomas Anderson
The Master
Paul Thomas Anderson
There Will Be Blood
Christopher Nolan
Mamoru Oshii
Ghost In The Shell
Ang Lee
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
David Lynch
Zhang Yimou
Francis Ford Coppola
The Godfather
Edgar Wright
Scott Pilgram Vs The World
Orson Welles
Citizen Kane
Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Nicolas Winding Refn
Nicolas Winding Refn
The Neon Demon
Guillermo del Toro
Pan's Labyrinth
Lana & Lilly Wachowski
The Matrix
Mary Harron
American Psycho
Andrew Dominik
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Martin Scorsese
The Wolf of Wall Street
Ridley Scott
Blade Runner
Baz Luhrmann
Romeo + Juliet
Ben Stiller
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Neil Jordan
Interview with the Vampire
Spike Jonze
Where the Wild Things Are
John Musker, Ron Clements
Treasure Planet
Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin, Jr.
The Last Unicorn
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